Monday, November 2, 2009

For me their's only one way to get rid of all of my stress. That way is wrestling. I've been wrestling for about 5 years and I don't plane on stoping any time soon.

Every time I turn around I make some one new mad or I get my self in more trouble with the people that love me. I just don't know what to do any more. I want to make things better, but every time I turn around I get into more trouble. I honestly don't know what to do any more.
Im screwing up everything that I have and everything that I love. I just want things to go back to the way they were before all of this happend.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How terrifying! Said the kangaroo, as he pushed the red button. The kangaroo remembered his boss teing him not to push the red button, but as he pushed the red button the building exsploded. The kangaroo got out of the building just before it came down in top of him. The next day when his boss went to work, he noticed that the building wasn't there. He called the kangaroo to ask him of he pushed the red button. The kangaroo was taking about everything else but the red button that he pushed. His boss had enoff. He yelled at the kangaroo, DID YOU PUSH THE RED BUTTON OR NOT!!! The kangaroo was scared to tell his boss but he did. After that the kangaroo had no job.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

IF the school had a pet I think it should be a dog. One reason is so that it can protect us for any body who tries to hurt us. Also it would be cool to have a dog as a pet at this school. It would be a lot of fun.

Their once was a city where they had no rules. This city was crazy. people steelling things and no could do anything about it. People were runnig around screeming and yelling. No one even thought about helping them. The other people would just walk away from them. If some one got hurt no one would hep them, they would just keep on walking laughing at the ingured people.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh no, said the cown as the enormas air plane crashed in to the big red circus tent. As every body tried to run out of the tent, the clown with the big red nose and big red shoes, yelled STOP!!!! Every body stoped and looked at the little clown in the big red shoes.
The clown told them to calmm down and to go out of the tent in a singel file line. When they did that they all got out of the tent in time before the air plane smashed the big red tent.

Monday, October 19, 2009

This one day when i was up at summer camp my friend and I were throughing a knife at the ground until our leader came and yelled at us. The rest of the day was horrible. We didn't do anything fun at all the rest of the day.